America is a sex crazed country and sadly sex sells. Sex sells in advertising, entertainment, and in businesses. Models, strippers, showgirls, burlesque dancers, and prostitutes; they all have one thing in common, they use their body to make them money. Out of that list prostitution is the only one that is illegal excluding in Nevada and Rhode Island. Prostitution is one of the worlds oldest professions and can be found in every culture. Although prostitution is seen as degrading, controlled prostitution is a good idea to make legal throughout America because it would create a safer environment for the women, sex crime rates would decrease, and viruses would decrease.
In order to control prostitution their must be brothels put in place, which would need to have a business license. When prostitutes register into a brothel they get regular health check ups for sexually transmitted diseases and condoms are mandatory. By having legalized brothels prostitutes would have the freedom and the security of being able to have health care and reject any client that they would not like to work with. Because brothels are usually in rural areas they are away from the cities and neighborhoods, which takes away the unwanted environment that include drugs, and crime. Because brothels have a license no girls under the age of eighteen would be allowed to prostitute themselves in a brothel, this would take away any under age girls from being trafficked. By being in a safe are the prostitutes would be safe from any violence such as assault and rape, that would normally take place with street prostitution . Police officers are more obligated to work with license brothels and file reports, where as when they work with street prostitutes the girls are left on their own or they risk getting arrested being that prostitution is illegal. When women register at the brothel they can state if they want to be full time or part time meaning they go into the business being able to freely quit at anytime, prostitutes would not have the be scared of their “pimp” coming after them for wanting to leave. Another plus that can be seen in brothels is that narcotics are not allowed on the premises of the brothel.
Why should adult shows be legal and controlled prostitution be illegal when both of them in some way degrade women. Prostitution has been around for ages and has been accepted and not accepted throughout the decades. Every town and city has that one street that has it’s street prostitutes and there is usually a neighborhood close by. Because street prostitution involves so many illegal acts, such as drugs and under age trafficking, making licensed brothels would create a safe alternative to street prostitution. Although prostitution is seen as unprincipled and degrading, controlled prostitution would be good to make legal throughout America in order to create a safer environment for the women because with normal prostitution sex crime rates would increase, viruses would freely spread, and street prostitution would continue to create an unsafe and unwanted environments in social areas as well as in neighborhoods.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
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Hey Elizabeth how's it going?
ReplyDeleteI am going to workshop your essay draft for the extra credit (I need all the help I can get). Once completed it will be available for you to review at my blog at the link below.
Please feel free to workshop mine if you desire. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI posted my workshop of your essay at the following.
Take care.
Thank you for responding
ReplyDeleteAs expected I got your comment and there's no doubt you got fired up after reading my post. As I said in my post my intent was certainly not to bash you at all, really, I don't even know you and this is a college class. So, again I apologize if I offended you. You picked a "hot topic" to write about though and I'm sure you know this. Perhaps I was the wrong person to workshop your essay but were here now and that's life. Also for the record, my use of the word ignorant was meant to be interpreted as lacking knowledge, education, or comprehension of something.
We were given the opportunity to complete these workshops as a tool for better grasping the subject matter, right? Ok then, I truly don't care what your personal opinion is because this is not a personal attack. In an effort to perhaps help you understand what I as the reader of your essay felt and thought, I posted it like it came to mind. I wanted you to see what I was thinking as I read your essay as someone who opposes your opinion.
For what it's worth I'll add the following, and I think you should think about it. (You have since explained to me that you are in-fact from Nevada, have worked in corrections in Nevada, and know people in law enforcement from Nevada.)
Listen, your essay implies to me the reader that you purport the nationwide legalization of prostitution, right?
So, if the aforementioned: 1) residing in Nevada, 2) working for corrections in Nevada, and 3) having personal relationships with law enforcement officials in Nevada, provided you with the experiences that have shaped the opinion you are trying to argue, then somehow, make use of these experiences in your essay. These experiences should be the "evidence" in your essay that supports your claim. Like I said, whether I agree with you or not really doesn't matter, but if you supported your claim with specific experiences (evidence) derived from the three things mentioned above, your opposition may be more inclined to take give your essay and opinion further consideration.
Well, thanks for listening. One last thing, below I have attached a link to some information related to Nevada and legalized prostitution there. You may or may not be familiar with it but take a look anyway. I would be interested to know what you think after reading through it. Take care.
ReplyDeleteAs you probably know I coordinated with Maureen and have sent you an email.
Also, I have re-posted the workshop so please review it and at least acknowledge your receipt of this comment, the email, or the workshop post. Thanks.