Monday, February 16, 2009

Response to Grammar Girl

Who would have thought that their was a spunky pod cast for writing. Grammar Girl seems like a great tool to use for online classes and in everyday writing. While listening and reading “When to use a Comma with “too,” ” I realized that I did not know that their were so many different ways to use the word “too” and I never thought about the impact a comma would have on the word. I have always put “too” at the end of sentences. I forgot that you can put “too” in different part of a sentence. Listening to this pod cast really opened my eyes about how commas can help the word “too”. I am glad that transitional adverbs were mentioned in the pod cast. Transitional adverbs are my favorite, I love using “therefore” and “however”; which I tend to use in my writing most of the time, and I find that I often use a comma with those two words. “When to use a Comma with “too” was a good refresher course for me. When I went through my old writing I found that I could use commas in different spots, and that I sometimes use a comma in the wrong spot, or somewhere that it is not needed in a sentence.

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